Abstract submission
You are invited to submit your abstract for talks and poster presentations.
Please consider: Abstract submission is prolonged until November 22, 2024.
In order to upload a contribution, an account is needed. The generation of this account is the first step once you click on the button submission.
All contributions are published as short papers in open-access conference proceedings online.
- Download the template file and use it to prepare your conference paper. Notice that the paper cannot be longer than two pages and must be below 2 MB.
- For abstract submission, follow the link: https://www.events.tum.de/frontend/index.php?sub=222.
- By clicking the button “Submission” you are first asked to generate an account. With this account, you can later come back to your uploaded documents. It will also be needed to register for conference participation and payment.
- Upload your prepared file using the field “New Submission”.
Your paper will be sent to two independent reviewers. You will receive their feedback by (December 10 2024) and you will be asked to submit a revised version of your paper until (December 31 2024). You will receive the notification of acceptance of your contribution by (January 10 2025).
Nov 22 Abstract Deadline → Dec 10 first review → Dec 31 Deadline revised paper → January 10 acceptance notification