"This book skillfully clears all the hurdles of studying sports science - both the scientific and the medical" - with this teaser, Elsevier Verlag is advertising the new "Sportwissenschaft" coursebook, for which PD Dr. Jan Müller, research associate at the Chair of Preventive Pediatrics of Prof. Dr. Renate Oberhoffer-Fritz, serves as co-editor. Other editors are Prof. Dr. Torsten Brauner (Chair of Biomechanics and Fitness) and Prof. Dr. Konstantin Beinert (Institute for Applied Research on the Movement System) from the German School of Physical Activity and Sport. Numerous (ex)employees and former students of the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences are also represented in the book as authors.
The 406-page publication takes up the topics of anatomy and function, training theory, movement science, factors influencing performance, sports injuries, sport as prevention and for the therapy of various diseases, scientific principles and working methods in sports science.
"We have tried to bring sports science and sports practice into harmony," explains PD Dr. Müller. "The cover of the book, in particular, with the sprinter and EMG curves in the background, is intended to illustrate this."
The coursebook as a whole consists of the six chapters "Form and Function," "Fundamentals of Exercise," "Training and Adaptation of the Body," "Factors Influencing Performance," "Sport and Health," and "Scientific Principles." It has been written by experienced specialists, trainers and interdisciplinary scientists and is aimed in particular at students of sports science. The contents are based on the curricula of individual universities. Many high-quality illustrations make complex relationships understandable.
Furthermore, "key points" make the most important information stand out again and again. Particularly noteworthy are, on the one hand, comprehension questions in each chapter, which help to consolidate and use what has been learned. On the other hand, digressions into current scientific research or sports science practice have been integrated to show where the latest findings come from and how they are applied in everyday life.
"There is a lot about orthopedics, physiology, exercise and health aspects, and we have linked all these topics in a scientific context," says PD Dr. Müller. "The book is intended to be a standard work for undergraduate students, which is why five copies are now available for checkout at the TUM University Library."
PD Dr. Jan Müller
Chair of Preventive Pediatrics
Georg-Brauchle-Ring 60/62
80992 Munich
Phone: 089 289 24575
E-Mail: j.mueller(at)tum.de
Text: Romy Schwaiger
Photo: Elsevier Publishing