- 61Study related factors associated with study engagement and student burnout among German university students. Frontiers in Public Health 11, 2023 more…
- 60Cardiovascular Function and Exercise Capacity in Childhood Cancer Survivors. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (3), 2022, 628 more…
- 59A Better Cardiopulmonary Fitness Is Associated with Improved Concentration Level and Health-Related Quality of Life in Primary School Children. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (5), 2022, 1326 more…
- 58Die Sportlerernährung. In: Sportwissenschaft. Urban & Fischer in Elsevier (Verlag), 2022, 271-280 more…
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- 56Impaired grip strength in children with congenital heart disease. Archives of Disease in Childhood 107 (1), 2021, 47-51 more…
- 55Exercise Training Duration and Intensity Are Associated With Thicker Carotid Intima-Media Thickness but Improved Arterial Elasticity in Active Children and Adolescents. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 8, 2021, 618294 more…
- 54Vascular Structure and Function in Children and Adolescents: What Impact Do Physical Activity, Health-Related Physical Fitness, and Exercise Have? Frontiers in Pediatrics 8, 2020, 103 more…
- 53Can School-Based Physical Activity Projects Such as Skipping Hearts Have a Long-Term Impact on Health and Health Behavior? Frontiers in Public Health 14 (8), 2020, 352 more…
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- 46Outdoor against Cancer: Wie Bewegung und Sport in der Natur im Kampf gegen Krebs wirken - Schnellere Genesung, mehr Lebensqualität, bessere Prognosen. Kailash Verlag, 2018 more…
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Dr. Sportwiss. Thorsten Schulz
Funktion: Studiengangsleiter GP
Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Präventive Pädiatrie (Prof. Oberhoffer-Fritz)
Georg-Brauchle-Ring 60_62
80992 München
- Tel.: +49 (89) 289 - 24574
- Sprechstunde: Nach Voranmeldung!
- thorsten.schulz@tum.de
Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkte
- Motorische Fitness von Kindern und Jugendlichen
- Sport und Immunsystem
- Doping, Nahrungsergänzung und Sport
- Toyota-Förderpreis-Gewinner 1997 (Diplomarbeit)
- ”ECSS-Young Investigators Award 1999” Rom (Posterpreis)
- “ECSS-Young Investigators Award 2000” in Jyväskylä (Oral Presentation)
- Toyota-Förderpreis-Gewinner 2002 (Doktorarbeit)