Research at the Chair of Human Movement Science is devoted to the understanding of human sensorimotor control and associated neural mechanism. Major topics are
Analysis of motor behavior from elementary abilities to complex skills,
Consequences of disturbances of the central nervous systems and neurorehabilitation,
Development over the lifespan and interventions,
Sports performance and optimization.
We employ methods to capture and analyze human movements and forces as well as neuroimaging and brain stimulation methods and new technologies in rehabilitation.
Speaker: Stefan Panzer (Sportwissenschaftliches Institut, Universität des Saarlandes )
Title: Bimanual control strategies
Time: 05.07.2018, 5.15 pm
Place: L010, Georg-Brauchle-Ring 60
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The International Summer School on "New Technologies and Changing Behaviors" for early career scientists was held the 17-22 June 2018, in Bertinoro (Competence Center of the University of Bologna), Italy.
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