Bachelors and Masters students that wish to work on thesis projects in the Neuromuscular Diagnostics group can contact Prof. Franklin or one of the other members of the group by email. We always have scientific questions that could be investigated as part of a thesis project, and can formulate a new project depending on the interests of the students. Most our our projects involve examining human motor control using a robotic manipulandum, and some would require some learning of Matlab in order to perform analysis (at Masters level). At the Bachelors level this is never required but can be included if the student chooses. We are also happy to supervise students with their own project plans as long as they fall into our expertise.
Currently we have specific projects that we are searching for motivated students to be involved in as a thesis project. Many of these could be either performed at the Bachelors or the Masters level. If you are interested please contact one of the group members by email to discuss further.
List of current topics
Development of accurate musculoskeletal models (BSc/MSc - contact Mr. Ziyu Chen).
Transfer and generalization between unimanual and bimanual tasks (MSc thesis - Contact Ms. Clara Günter)
irrelevant feedback gains effect on Visuomotor rotation (BSc/MSc - Contact Dr. Raz Leib)
Generalization of dynamics (BSc/MSc - Contact Dr. Raz Leib)
Energy constraints on visuomotor adaptation (BSc/MSc - Contact Dr. Raz Leib)
Feedback control of visually guided reaching (BSc/MSc - Contact Dr. Raz Leib)
Investigation of sensory information required for coordination of an inverted pendulum (BSc/MSc - Contact Dr. Raz Leib)
Adaptation to novel sensory information when coordinating an inverted pendulum (BSc/MSc - Contact Dr. Raz Leib)