About us
The Chair of Performance Analysis and Sports Informatics conducts research in the fields of training and competition. Our main areas of study are the structure of performance in game (team) sports and the development of tools and methods from information technology to support top level sports. Our range of subjects covers:
Competition Analysis
Team sports may be characterized as dynamic and complex interaction processes. Aiming at a better understanding of performances and improving training processes, appropriate models and procedures are required. We develop and validate new, innovative approaches and use them for solving problems in performance analysis. Our spectrum ranges from traditional observational systems, network analysis, dynamic systems theory up to the domain of artificial intelligence.
Development of game analysis tools
Competitive advantage in team sports depends among other prerequisites on optimum support by information technology. We design, develop and implement game analysis systems according to the state of the art in software engineering and accompany the process with our expertise on performance structure analysis in game sports. Successful projects with German national teams were/are conducted in handball, beach volleyball, paralympic goalball and table tennis.
Quality control of sports data
Sensor- or video-based position tracking systems as well as observer supported action logging gave rise to a sports data industry. We conduct producer independent and methodically cutting edge investigations on the accuracy of these systems respectively on the comparability of their results. Addressees are manufacturers (certification, product development) as well as users such as clubs or associations (neutral advice, product testing) of these products.
Game data based media products
One central application of sports data is their use as enhancement in TV broadcastings as well as in print and online media. We support data information providers and media companies in developing new products and thus enable them to differentiate from competitors. Examples for this are metrics and statistics to evaluate team and player performance or methods to visualize game structures. Guaranteeing for the scientific validity of these products is our central perspective in this context.
Controlling of talent development programs
Talent development programs in federations or clubs are vital for the future of sports. Reflections on effectiveness play a more and more important role. This is why we resort to concepts of controlling and our theories and results in talent research in order to develop controlling tools. We analyze the relative age effect, describe career patterns and develop documentation systems and parameters for the work of talent bases.
Data based rehabilitation and prevention
Rehabilitation and prevention play an increasingly important role in support systems for professional sports. For this purpose, basic information must be recorded and stored, embedded in a more comprehensive Club Management Information System (CMIS). Further research topics in this field are the analysis of injury risk factors for the genesis of contact injuries in games and the epidemiology of injuries in football.
Evaluation of rule changes
An increasing number of sport associations adapt their rule books to broaden the appeal of their competitions. Another hot topic is the introduction of Technological Officiating Aids. Both cases must be seen as interventions in terms of evaluative research. Based on universal concepts for the evaluation of rule changes and Technological Officiating Aids, we draft and apply customized evaluation designs for specific interventions, which was already performed by the chair on behalf of sport associations.