Research at the Chair of Human Movement Science is devoted to the understanding of human sensorimotor control and associated neural mechanism. Major topics are
Analysis of motor behavior from elementary abilities to complex skills,
Consequences of disturbances of the central nervous systems and neurorehabilitation,
Development over the lifespan and interventions,
Sports performance and optimization.
We employ methods to capture and analyze human movements and forces as well as neuroimaging and brain stimulation methods and new technologies in rehabilitation.
Acute cardiovascular exercise has proven to be a simple yet effective strategy for enhancing motor consolidation. However, these effects and their magnitude can be variable and influenced by numerous factors. While training parameters play a role, other factors may be differences among participants…
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Prof. Dr. Albert Vette (University of Alberta, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Neuromuscular Control & Biomechanics Laboratory)- "Novel quantitative approaches for guiding the assessment and treatment of gait impairments following cerebral palsy"
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Dr. Carmen Krewer and PhD student Chiara Höhler joined this year’s RehabWeek in Singapore, an international congress on rehabilitation technology. They contributed to the program of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society (IFESS) with presentations and posters on the use of…
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Hybrid neuroprostheses are developed for the rehabilitation of upper extremity motor impairments after a stroke. How do these new devices look like and how efficient are they in rehabilitating motor impairments?
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Jan Kern and Philipp Gulde took part at this year’s meeting of the dvs section biomechanics at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg and presented their work on head kinematics during soccer heading. The small conference offered a broad spectrum of topics and, by its familiar character, invited…
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"Apraxia" often occurs after a stroke and can be associated with impaired tool use performance. Aiming at investigating the neural correlates underlying proper tool use performance and drawing connections to damaged brain areas in apraxia patients, an fMRI study was conducted, including young and…
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The demographic shift is leading not only to an increasing prevalence of chronic diseases but also to the spread of geriatric syndromes such as Frailty Syndrome. But how does Frailty affect everyday abilities?
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After a stroke, the majority of patients suffer from motor upper extremity impairments. Does the combination of functional electrical stimulation and serious gaming turn out to be a viable therapy option?
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This year's European College of Sport Science (ECSS) congress took place at the Palais des Congrès in Paris from 05.07 - 07.07.2023 and offered exciting insights into current research topics from the broad field of sports science.
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