The TeQaZ Study
The TeQaZ study is a case-control study on frequency of participation in cervical cancer screening and quality of cytology. It is conducted by Cancer Epidemiology (Head: Prof. Dr. Stefanie Klug) at the University Cancer Center, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, Technische Universität Dresden. The study region includes the states of Saxony and Rhineland-Palatinate as well as neighboring regions in Baden-Württemberg, Hessen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saarland, Thuringia, Brandenburg and Saxony-Anhalt.
Aims of Study
The TeQaZ study investigates participation in cervical cancer screening and quality of cytology. Differences between women who developed cervical cancer (cases) and those that did not develop cervical cancer (controls) will be analyzed regarding participation in screening and other risk factors.
The study is funded by the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG). It is scheduled to be completed by 31.12.2015.
Study Design
During the three-year recruitment phase, 200 women with cervical cancer (cases) and 600 women without cervical cancer (controls) will be included in the study.
Figure 1: Design of the TeQaZ study
Women with cervical cancer are informed about the study and are included after giving their written informed consent at the hospital. For every woman with cervical cancer, three women without cervical cancer, of the same age and residing in the same region, are randomly selected via population registries. The controls are invited to participate in the study via postal letter. Both groups (cases and controls) are contacted via telephone regarding participation in cervical cancer screening, socio-demographic information and risk factors.
Cervical cancer screening results and information about treatment are obtained via the women’s office-based gynecologists. The archived smears from cervical cancer screening over the past ten years are verified by internal study experts.
Participation in the study is voluntary. The data are stored and analyzed at Cancer Epidemiology, University Cancer Center, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, Technischen Universität Dresden. Data are not passed on to third parties. Participants’ confidentiality is strictly maintained during scientific analysis and publication of study results. Findings cannot be traced back to individual study participants.
The ethics committee of the Technische Universität Dresden, as well as the ethics committees of the various participating states granted ethical approval for the TeQaZ study. The respective commissioners for state data protection also approved the study.
Study Team
Head: | Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefanie J. Klug, MPH |
Study coordination: | Kathrin Radde, MSc. |
Statistician: | Dirk Schriefer, MSc. |
Documentation: | Anja Peschel Stefan Pinkert |
Study Nurses: | Dr. Yvette Garbe Madeleine Polster Franziska Schwarzbach |
Interviewers: | Sabrina Röhl |
Related Links
- Information about cancer in general and cervical cancer:
- Information about cervical cancer screening:
- Information about cervical cancer and prevention:
- German Cancer Aid:
- Brochure Cancer in Germany:
- Federal Ministry of Health:
- National Cancer Plan:
- Cancer Screening and Registers Act (KFRG):
- Cancer Information Service (KID):