In order to be accepted, students are requested to comply with the specific regulations of their Bachelor program (BSc. Gesundheitswissenschaften). We recommend Bachelor students to successfully take part to the class Introduction to Public Health.
Application process
You can apply for a bachelor thesis position with us on the 1st of March and 1st of October each year. Approximately one month before the application deadline, we will publish a list of bachelor thesis topics offered by us in the coming semester on our homepage. Please refer to the offered topics in your application and let us know your preferences. Please use the Excel template provided for this purpose.
After the respective deadline, we will contact you within approximately two weeks to let you know whether we can offer you supervision or not.
Bachelor theses can be written in English or in German. For further information, please read our guidelines for writing a bachelor thesis.
Application documents: Please send us the following application documents to info.php(at)
- Curriculum vitae
- Current transcript of grades
- A letter of motivation of maximum one page (including which topics and methods interest you the most)
- Completed Excel template showing your topic preferences
- If you have a concrete topic idea yourself, please also attach a short summary (max. 1 page) with literature sources (see Guidelines)
We hope to be able to offer support to all interested students, but cannot guarantee this for capacity reasons.
Templates and guidelines
Important: these guidelines do not replace the faculty guidelines on registration, execution and delivery of the thesis. They complement faculty guidelines for the Professorship of Public Health and Prevention. In case of doubt, faculty guidelines should prevail.
Examples of successfully completed Bachelor Theses
Titel | Art |
The Nutri-Score: Effectiveness and the status of implementation in Germany | Literature review |
The impact of heatwaves on health & the effect of prevention measures in Europe | Literature review |
Investigating the implementation of national programs and app-based interventions for the prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus using the example of the USA and UK | Literature review |
The development of the demographic profile of cannabis users in Germany: A trend analysis of data from the Epidemiological Survey on Addiction | Empirical analysis |