Here you will find all information regarding our teaching modules, as well as useful links to our teaching material in TUMonline and Moodle.
BSc Health Science
Introduction to Public Health
Elective module, Summer Term, 3 ECTS / 2 SWS, Lecture
In this course we provide an overview on the disciplines and on the activity fields of public health research and practice. Students learn about the importance and relevance of public health and about determinates of health behavioral and health, understand basic methodological and conceptual approaches of public health research and get insights into local, national and international public health institutions as well as their tasks and responsibilities.
MSc Health Science
Public Health and Socio-Economic Aspects in NCD Prevention
Elective Module, Winter term, 4 ECTS / 3SWS, Seminar:
In this interactive seminar we discuss and reflect on a) different dimensions of the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), b) various determinants of NCDs and how they are interlinked with socioeconomic factors, c) NCD prevention concepts and their theoretical rationales, and d) effectiveness and cost-effectiveness considerations in NCD prevention.
Evaluation Methods in Public Health and Health Care
Applied Research, Summer & Winter term, each 6ECTS / 4SWS, Lecture + Exercise & Seminar
In this interactive two-semester course we teach the theory and practice of evaluating the effectiveness of public health and health care intervention. Students learn how to critically appraise existing evaluations and to plan and design research and evaluation studies. The course covers the topics experimental evaluations (RCTs), quasi-experimental evaluations (IV, DiD, RDD), non-experimental evaluations (propensity score matching), evidence synthesis (systematic reviews, meta-analysis) and model-based evaluations.
Applications in Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programs
Applied Research, Winter term, each 6ECTS / 4SWS, Seminar
In this seminar students learn a) to plan an economic evaluation alongside a clinical trial, b) to execute a trial based economic evaluation in R and c) to conduct a model-based economic evaluation. It is a hands-on course in which students upon demonstration on a teaching example will work on their own study plan, data analyses and simulation model.
Scientific Data Processing
Mandatory Method Module, Winter Term, 5 ECTS / 4SWS, Lecture & Exercise
In this course students learn acquire data processing skills (in R) that are instrumental for quantitative research and for the successful participation in subsequent quantitative MSc. courses. In the first half of the semester students will learn to load datasets and to create subsets and summary statistics, do basic data manipulations, to do data visualization, to estimate regression models and use their results for prediction purposes, and to create functions and loops. In the second half of the semester, students will complete a hands-on data analytic project and practice scientific data processing using real-world.