From March 19 to 21, 2025, the Chair of Human Movement Science and the Professorship of Neuromuscular Diagnostics invite you to the 18th Conference of the Sports Motorics Section of the German Society for Sports Science (DVS) at TUM Campus at the Olympic Park. Under the title "Dimensions of Motor Control – Sport, Health, Development, Robotics", the organizers aim to create a platform for experts to discuss and further develop current research results and innovations from different perspectives of motor skills research such as sports, health, development, and robotics.
The conference is organized by Prof. Dr. Joachim Hermsdörfer, Department-Head and head of the Chair of Human Movement Science, along with Prof. Dr. David Franklin, Head of the Professorship of Neuromuscular Diagnostics, and their research associates Dr. Waltraud Stadler and Dr. Philipp Gulde.
"Motor control is a central aspect of human development—from childhood to old age—as well as of health and physical activity. Given the increasing importance of human-machine interaction, the control of 'intelligent' machines and robots is becoming ever more relevant," explains Prof. Hermsdörfer. "Our Dimensions of Motor Control conference will highlight all these aspects of motor control and present insights from internationally renowned experts. Presentations, posters, product demonstrations, and a panel discussion will cover both basic research and new applications, and hopefully open new perspectives on this exciting field. We are also proud to introduce our guests to the new TUM Campus at the Olympic Park."
Participation is free for all TUM members. However, registration for the conference is required and will be available in december.
Contributions related to any aspect of motor control are most welcome. Abstract submissions for talks or posters are possible until November 22, 2024, via the following link: Abstract Submission
A qualification award for outstanding scientific achievements by early-career researchers in the field of sports motorics will also be presented during the event.
For more information, visit the following link: Conference Information
To the Homepage of the Chair of Human Movement Science
To the Homepage of the Professorship of Neuromuscular Diagnostics
Prof. Dr. Joachim Hermsdörfer
Department Head Health and Sport Sciences
Chair of Human Movement Science
Georg-Brauchle Ring 60/62
80992 Munich
Tel.: +49 89 289 24550
E-Mail: joachim.hermsdoerfer(at)
Prof. Dr. David Franklin
Department Head Health and Sport Sciences
Neuromuscular Diagnostics
Georg-Brauchle Ring 60/62
80992 Munich
Tel.: +49 89 289 24583
E-Mail: david.franklin(at)
Text: Bastian Daneyko
Foto: private