Prof. Dr. Felix Ehrlenspiel
Phone: +49 89 289-24545 | Card |
CV Room L 419 | Need an appointment? Book online at https://doodle.com/mm/felixehrlenspiel/sprechstunde Zoom-Room for Consultation Hours: https://tum-conf.zoom.us/j/96628696829?pwd=OVZJbDVWWmJMNkJ0bUhMV3BKYWV6Zz09 |
Scientific career
- Since 2021: Head of the working group Sport Psychology
- 2018 Habilitation and venia legendi for sports science at the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences at the Technical University of Munich
- Since 2009 Managing Director of the Faculty Graduate Centre
- 2006 Doctorate (dr. phil.) at the University of Potsdam
- 2002 Diploma in Psychology (Ruprecht Karls University Heidelberg)
Personal details
What fascinates me most about sport is the psychology that can be experienced directly - how else can you experience different personalities, your own motivation or emotions so closely? I am particularly fascinated by the emotion of fear - and the role it plays in sport. In my research, I therefore deal a lot with the question of how fear and athletic performance are connected, especially through which mechanisms. Together with Ralf Brand from the University of Potsdam, I have developed a questionnaire to assess fear and anxiety in competition, which is now widely used in research and practice and which we continue to refine. However, fear in sport is not only experienced with regard to a competition, but also with regard to injuries or because of the gaze of others. This is where research has developed - and I also look at this.
You also have to be able to deal with fear, which is why I am fascinated by relaxation methods such as progressive muscle relaxation or breathing exercises. I try to pass on this fascination in the context of university and non-university education and training and in practice.