Welcome at the Associate Professorship of Exercise Biology!
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Our strategy: Many athletic performances are critically dependent on metabolic function, and physical training is effective in preventing and treating metabolic diseases such as diabetes mellitus and obesity. The Exercise Biology group at the TU Munich therefore aims to investigate topics related to sports and metabolism often with disease relevance. We often use state-of-the-art methods of metabolic research such as arteriovenous metabolomics analyses and metabolic flux analyses as well as methods of molecular sports physiology. Our main goal with this strategy is to mechanistically answer important unanswered questions in the field. We want to discover new phenomena that help athletes optimize their performance, help patients recover, and ultimately help all people who want to stay fit and healthy for a long time.
Frankfurt 29.09.2016. – This year the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Prävention und Rehabilitation von Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen e.V. (DGPR) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sportmedizin und Prävention (DGSP) gave their joint meeting in Frankfurt. Prof. Wackerhage was invited by Prof Wilhelm Bloch to…
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Munich 28.9.2016. Munich has a great muscle research scene and so it was only natural to copy the Londoners to regularly organize a meeting of the “muscle heads”. This was already the 3rd meeting this year organized by Prof. Dr. Agnes Görlach and her team of the “Experimental and Molecular…
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Singapore: 19-20.9.2016. Prof. Henning Wackerhage was invited to 8th Sympoium of "Models of Physiology of Disease" at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He was very excited being invited as keynote speaker to the outstanding meeting on physiology and disease at the famous NUS. Singapore has…
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Since February, Prof. Dr. Henning Wackerhage has been a Professor of Sports Biology at the Department of Sport and Health Sciences. The 49 year old studied sports at the German University of Sports in Cologne (DSHS). As a triathlete, the native of Lower Saxony, won the German University championship…
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