Besprechungsraum L302, Georg-Brauchle-Ring 60, 80992 München
Zoom link: Meeting-ID: 942 5301 7197, Kenncode: 033542
In addition to difficulties with social interaction, many autistic individuals also experience altered motor coordination affecting eye-hand coordination, balance and gait. These motor coordination difficulties are an overlooked but important aspect of autism, considering that motor coordination is an integral part of day-to-day life. I will present some of my research on motor coordination difficulties in autistic adults and highlight the gaps in our knowledge that need to be addressed to enable motor coordination to have a higher profile in the assessment and support of autistic individuals. In one qualitative study I will describe the characteristics and impact of motor coordination difficulties in autistic adults. In a second study, I will focus on the mechanisms underlying altered imitation in autism and in a final study outline how motor coordination may be useful for autism diagnosis using quantitative motion tracking and machine learning techniques.
I am a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health within the Division of Psychology, Communication and Human Neuroscience. I co-direct the Body Eyes and Movement (BEAM) lab, researching sensory motor control and imitation with a particular focus on autism in adulthood. Much of my research benefits from the direct involvement of the autistic community (autistic adults and parents of autistic children), facilitated by the network Autism@Manchester which i chair.
I qualified as an Orthoptist from The University of Liverpool in 1998, following which I worked at the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital and undertook an MSc in Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences at The University of Manchester. I completed my PhD at University Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, followed by a Post-doctorate position at the Department of Psychology, Birmingham University. In September 2006, I took up a Lectureship at The University of Manchester was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2014.