Translating research into interventions is a main focus at the working group of sport psychology at TUM. The areas covered are performance psychology, clinical psychology, and development and validation of assessment instruments. Traditionally, a major area of interest is motivation and volition as well as personality assessment. Recently, embodiment as well as burnout and depression have become major research areas. We employ a multi-method approach using experimental research, including neurophysiological methods as well as survey research. Cooperation with major sport and health organisations is part of the programme.
The article 'The Testing of a Four-Dimensional Model of Athlete Leadership and its Relation to Leadership Effectiveness' was published in the Journal Frontiers in Psychology.
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The article "The Testing of a Four-Dimensional Model of Athlete Leadership and its Relation to Leadership Effectiveness" by Maechel, C., Loughead, T. M., & Beckmann, J. was accepted for publication by the journal Frontiers in Psychology and will be published shortly.
The study developed and tested…
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Jürgen Beckmann, Vanessa Wergin and Wiebke Hähl have successfully submitted a service research project on "Coping with set losses and defeats in beach volleyball" to the Federal Institute for Sports Science (BISp). The aim of the project is to develop and test concrete possibilities for high…
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