Living healthy together in family and school. A prevention concept for the promotion of weight-related behaviors in children's living environments
The joint project with the University of Konstanz, University of Leipzig, Medical School Hamburg and Plattform Ernährung und Bewegung e.V. (peb) aims to promote a healthy lifestyle with increased phsical activity and a balanced diet among primary school children and their families. The project is being implemented in three model regions across Germany. The interventions are adapted to the local conditions for both settings, school and family. The respective community network is being established and expanded in order to create synergies between the community level and the settings. A comprehensive evaluation of the implementation of interventions will be carried out afterwards. Through close linking of the settings family and school, health-promoting behaviour should be integrated in daily life more effectively and sustainably by children and their families.
Obesity can have a negative impact on health and is a burden for individuals as well as for the society. Overweight in children and adolescents significantly increases the risk for adult obesity. In addition, the prevalence of overweight and obesity increases with age. Hence it’s important to introduce healthy behaviors and framework conditions already in primary school age. Parents have a major influence on the health behavior of their children and thus play an important role in the prevention of obesity in children. Therefore, Familie+ aims to reach and actively involves not only the kids, but also the parents. Schools are, besides the family setting, another important living environment for children. The topics nutrition, physical activity, sleep and sedentary behavior are addressed in both settings simultaneously to promote health.
Aim of the project
During the project, an intervention as developed, implemented and evaluated in the family and school setting. The aim is to use interactions between the living environments and synergies with the community network, which support a sustainable integration of health-promoting behavior.
First, an analysis of the respective community network and the stakeholders involved was carried out. The intervention was monitored and its implementation as well as its effectiveness were evaluated. The project was conducted in three regions across Germany.
The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Health.
Time horizon
The project began in January 2020 and ended in September 2023.
Practical materials
Here you can find health-promoting intervention materials for school and for your home! The materials are organized based on four topics: nutrition, physical activity, sleep, and sedentary behavior. The materials are available in German only.