TUM4Health: Sleep and recovery
A natural performance reserve for university students?
"Sleep and recovery – A natural performance reserve for university students?" is as subproject of the student health management (SGM) at the Technical University of Munich (TUM): TUM4Health
TUM4Health was launched in 2017 at the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences at the Chair of Preventive Pediatrics and exclusively addresses university students at TUM. Since then, it has been continuously improved and expanded to all faculties and TUM locations through the active involvement of students. Both projects are supported by the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK).
So far, TUM4Health provides a range of measures to promote physical exercise, nutrition and mental health in TUM students. Recently, "Sleep and recovery" aims to develop and implement an evidence based intervention program to promto healthy sleep in university students.
Sleep deprivations on a chronic basis induce a variety of adverse short- and long-term effects on both physical and mental health. So far, extensive research on sleep patterns and sleep quality has been carried out focusing on the general population. Despite going to university is associated with lifestyle changes and irregular starting times for university lectures and seminars, studies assessing the sleep quality of students at German universities are lacking. Sleep problems, with symptoms such as difficulties falling asleep and maintaining sleep as well as daytime impairments are quite prevalent among university students. Previous research findings additionally observed an increasing trend of insomnia among students over time. Lack of sleep and deficits in sleep quality are associated with increased risk behaviors and cause poorer grade point averages.
In the focus of the previous project work (Project Phase I: 01/2021 - 03/2024) was the assessment of the initial situation regarding the sleep behavior of TUM students, raising awareness for healthy sleep behavior, and strengthening sleep-related health literacy considering the university setting. The preliminary work in the subproject laid the foundation and provided a comprehensive understanding of the sleep behavior (and its determinants) of students at TUM. Additionally, the initial visibility of the subproject was established through the TUM4Health homepage and social media, integrated into the overall concept of student health management, and students were sensitized to the relationship between sleep and studies, as well as other health behaviors, through digital offerings and on-site activities. The initial situation shows that nearly half of the surveyed TUM students have poor sleep quality, and sleep quality is closely related to mental health status and academic performance. Taking into account sociodemographic and study-related factors, particularly vulnerable groups for poor sleep quality were identified, which were further considered in the development of initial measures.
Aims of the project
The overarching goal of the current Project Phase II is the evidence-based and theory-driven development, implementation, and evaluation of two specific intervention measures to promote the sleep health of students at the Technical University of Munich. Sustainable changes (improvement) at the level of sleep-related knowledge, sleep hygiene, and sleep behavior are particularly targeted. To meet the needs of the target group and the conditions of the university setting, the involvement of students in the development and implementation process is essential.
To achieve the overarching goal, the following measures are planned:
- Development and implementation of a nudging intervention to increase sleep-related health knowledge and improve sleep behavior among TUM first-year students.
- Development and pilot testing of an online course to promote sleep health among students.
Both measures will be developed and piloted participatively by students for students as part of a co-creation process.
Time horizon
The subproject started in April 2024 and is expected to end in September 2025.
"Sleep and recovery" - Visit the TUM4Health Website!
Visit the TUM4Health Website and learn about sleep and read information on sleep hygiene tips to improve your sleep quality.
Johanna Schmickler (Didactics in Sport and Health)
Prof. Filip Mess (Didactics in Sport and Health)
Dr. Thorsten Schulz (Preventive Peadiatrics)
Dr. Barbara Reiner (Preventive Peadiatrics)
Nils Olson (Preventive Peadiatrics)