Internation Sports Innovations Network
The International Sports Innovation Network (SINN-i) is the first network explicitly dedicated to the development of innovations in the fields of physical activity, health and "healthstyle". The network includes a large number of partners from research, business and the community as well as associations and NGOs from Germany, England, Japan, Spain and South Africa. In a transdisciplinary and intercultural exchange, the diverse expertise from the fields of sport, health, natural sciences, technology, materials, engineering and education contributes to enabling more joy of movement in the world.
At a glance
The SINN-i sub-projects Active City Innovation and Go, WannaGo! will investigate the motivators that drive people to physical activity, the barriers that prevent it and the measures that can be taken to turn urban areas into attractive spaces for physical activity for a wide range of social groups. This is intended to make an important contribution to overcoming barriers and increasing the enjoyment of physical activity.
Active City Innovation and Go, WannaGo! are funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research within the framework of the funding guideline "Internationalisation of Leading-Edge Clusters, Future Projects and Comparable Networks".
Increasing urbanisation and the accompanying reduction of inner-city green spaces and open spaces, the spread of inactive lifestyles and a lack of attractive spaces for physical activity are important factors in the current discourse on the negative developments of people's mental and physical health worldwide. A large number of people would like to increase their physical activity, but many barriers prevent them from changing their individual behaviour towards active lifestyles. Promising successes have been achieved with best practice projects. However, these are usually only known and implemented regionally. In addition, the existing physical activity offers do not enable all population groups to experience the joy of physical activity.
Aim of the project
The overall objective of Active City Innovation is the development, implementation and evaluation of 12 Experimentation Scenarios for physical activity promotion in the partner countries Germany, England, Japan, Spain and South Africa. The findings will be summarised in the Active City Innovation Guideline, implemented into an interactive website, so that the scenarios can be transferred to other cities and municipalities worldwide.
The overall objective of Go, WannaGo! is to characterise WannaGo populations and then develop, implement and evaluate different physical activity promotion demonstrators. The demonstrators can thereby best meet the wants and needs of WannaGo individuals and thus encourage a population that tends to be inactive to increase physical activity.
Time horizon
Project duration Active City Innovation: 01 June 2019 to 31 December 2022
Project duration Go, WannaGo!: 01 May 2019 to 31 December 2022

The Experimental Scenario "Kreuz & Quer"
One of the 12 worldwide Experimentation Scenarios within the framework of Active City Innovation is the implementation and evaluation of the campaign "Kreuz & Quer" ("Criss-cross"), which is carried out by the Mobility Department of the City of Munich to promote physical activity among children and young people in several districts in Munich. In teams or as individuals, participants can collect digital points in an activity-based scavenger hunt in their living environment. With thousands of participants, "Kreuz & Quer" has already enjoyed great popularity in recent years.
The team of the Associate Professorship of Sports and Health Didactics accompanies "Kreuz & Quer" scientifically with regard to various questions. The Mobility Department, the researchers and partners of Active City Innovation hope to gain insights into the success factors and barriers of this and similar measures by evaluating the campaign and surveying the participants. In the future, even more children and young people could benefit from the positive effects of physical activity activities in the community.
If you have any questions or suggestions, especially about the Experimentation Scenario "Kreuz & Quer", please contact us at: kreuzundquer(at)
- The workbook "Active City Innovation" with hints and insights on the way to a physical activity promoting city, as well as the overview of all experimental scenarios is available for download here
- First empirical findings on the use of Augemented Reality in sports can be found in a publication of the project team here
- The Summary Report on existing programs in the field of activity-enhancing programs in cities is available for download here
- The Summary Report on potential barriers and facilitators in the field of physical activity, technology and game design is available for download here
We look forward to your enquiries and suggestions,