We conduct intervention research in the fields of health and education. By shaping living settings and using competence-oriented approaches, we enable people to pursue active, healthy and sustainable lifestyles. In this way, we want to make a relevant contribution to a future-oriented society.
In health-related intervention research, we focus on health promotion and prevention. In the field of education, our interventions focus on personality and sustainability education. We operate in the living environments of schools, companies, communities and health care facilities. Through the development and implementation of didactic concepts, we strengthen health competences and promote educational processes - movement, play and nature serve as stimuli. A transdisciplinary approach and participation enable the sustainable implementation of the interventions. With our projects, we address socially relevant challenges such as equal opportunities in health and education, demographic change and sustainable development.
Development of an evidence-based BGM/BGF intervention as a model project for outpatient care services
EMMA Translation
Health Needs of Family Caregivers
Health Needs of Family Caregivers of Patients in Day Care Facilities
Promotion of physical activity offers and walkability for children and adolescents in Munich
Evaluation and refinement of the occupational health checkup and inpatient workplace health promotion programs at Siemens AG
The promotion of physical activity, healthy eating behavior and mental health of employees are at the epitome of the occupational culture at Siemens AG. The aim of the project was to review and improve the process and sustainability of the various health measures at Siemens AG. Furthermore, this project aimed to identify potential resources to improve the occupational health management process at Siemens with concrete deductions from current science and practical applications. As part of these tasks, the Chair of Sports and Health Didactics at the Technical University of Munich examined, for example, the health behavior, health-related quality of life and job demands of employees over the course of the inpatient health promotion programs at Siemens AG. These health parameters and a variety of other key performance indicators were combined with the existing database of the company's occupational health services for a comprehensive evaluation of the prevention measures. The evaluation project was scheduled to run until the beginning of 2022. Contact: Simon Blaschke
Completed Projects
Background and details on already completed projects of our working group can be found here.