Visual attention of spectators in sport stadiums
The project uses mobile eye tracking technology to capture the visual attention of sport spectators in stadiums. Theories grounded in environmental psychology help explain the influence of sport-specific elements in real life settings. The project derives managerial implications.
Effects of worksite intervention
The project looks at the effects of a worksite intervention on both the health status of employees and variables that are of interest for the management of companies. The intervention is designed for an office work environment and includes several modules. The modules allow employees to be active (and show healthy behaviors) while working, such as when sitting on an ergometer during a meeting. Employees do not have to change their clothes, and the intervention does not require any minimum fitness level.
Examining sponsorship effects on spectators
A collaboration with FC Bayern München aims to reveal the effects of different sponsorship tools. We measure the behavior of sport spectators via state of the art methods in consumer behavior.
GPS technology in running sports - a motivator for excercising?
The project which is done in cooperation with Garmin assesses wheater GPS technology helps consumers either initiate physical activity or continue physical activity on a long-term basis.
Need Analysis Workplace Health Management
In cooperation with movement24 we analyzed the specific requirements of employees in different industries (particularly in the nursing and retail industry as well as for office jobs) concerning workplace health management.
By using qualitative interviews and quantitative surveys, we identified industry-specific needs and derived implications for successful workplace health management measures.
Patient satisfaction and referral marketing
In cooperation with the radiologicum Munich two projects were put into practice. First, patient satisfaction with respect to doctor's offices is assessed in order to give management implications to both doctors and directors. Second, a referral marketing concept is developed, which aims to increase the quality of referral decisions that are made by medical doctors.
Strategische Planung für den TSV 1883 Vilsbiburg
Der TSV 1883 Vilsbiburg ist ein Sportverein, der ca. 3.000 Mitglieder und 14 Abteilungen hat. Die Abteilungen sind Fußball, Turnen, Tennis, Tischtennis, Basketball, Judo, Karate, Aikido, Leichtathletik, Schwimmen, Kegeln, Stockschießen, Badminton und Versehrtensport. Die ausgeschriebene Arbeit hat das Ziel, die von der Vorstandschaft gegründete Arbeitsgruppe "Projekt Zukunft" strategisch zu beraten, indem empirische Daten vor dem Hintergrund von konzeptionellen Grundlagen erhoben und analysiert werden. Der Gruppe gehört u.a. der Bürgermeister der Stadt an.