The Chair of Sport and Health Management cooperates with leading researchers in Germany and all over the world. This includes the following institutions:
- Aarhus University (Denmark), Centre for Research on Customer Relations in the Food Sector
- Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand), School of Sport and Recreation
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Israel), Department of Business Administration
- Cape Peninsula University of Technology (South Africa), Centre for Tourism Research in Africa
- Coventry University (England), Department of Sport and Event Management
- Dokuz Eylul University (Turkey), Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
- George Mason University (USA), School of Sport, Recreation, and Tourism Management
- German Sports University Cologne (Germany), Institute for Sport Economics and Sport Management
- Imperial College (England), Centre for Environmental Policy
- Meiji University (Japan), Graduate School of Governance Studies
- National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan), Institute of Physical Education, Health & Leisure Studies
- Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (South Africa), School of Management Sciences
- North Carolina State University (USA), Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management
- Northern Illinois University (USA), College of Business
- Northwestern University (USA), Kellogg School of Business
- Old Dominion University (USA), School of Public Service
- Saarland University (Germany), Institute for Consumer and Behavioural Research
- Simon Fraser University (Canada), Faculty of Health Sciences
- Stellenbosch University (South Africa), Department of Sport Science
- Temple University (USA), School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), Escola de Educação Física e Desportos
- University of California Berkeley (USA), Haas Business School
- University of Gothenburg (Sweden), School of Business, Economics and Law
- University of Innsbruck (Österreich), Institute for Sport Science
- University of Mainz, Department of Sport Economics and Sport Sociology
- University of New Brunswick, Faculty of Kinesiology
- University of Oregon (USA), Lundquist College of Business
- University Ottawa (Canada), Faculty of Health Sciences
- University of Patras (Greece), Department of Business Administration
- University of Peleponnese (Greece), Department of Sports Organization and Management
- University of Surrey (England), Food, Consumer Behaviour and Health Research Centre
- University of St. Thomas (USA), Opus College of Business
- University of Tübingen, Department of Sport Economics, Sport Management, and Sport Media Research
- University of Utah, Department of Health, Kinesiology and Recreation
- University of Windsor (Canada), Faculty of Human Kinetics
- Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (University of Warsaw, Poland), Wydział Psychologii
- University of the West of Scotland (Scotland), School of Media, Culture and Society
- Wageningen University (The Netherlands), Marketing and Consumer Behaviour Group
- Waseda University (Japan), Faculty of Sport Sciences
- Western University (Canada), School of Kinesiology
- Université de Montréal (Canada), Département de médicine sociale et préventiv
- Meiji University (Japan), School of Governance Studies and Public Policy