Bachelor and Master thesis
Current topics
In the TUM data base you find a list of topics that we are offering at the moment. Please use the key word function to search for topics that are currently available (using search words such as "sport," "health," and "management"). The theses can be written in German or English.
Bachelor and Master students can write a thesis at the Chair of Sport and Health Management. In the thesis, students try to answer current research questions that are of scientific and practical interest.
A Bachelor thesis is ...
- either theoretical in nature (with the aim of generating research questions and hypotheses) or empirical in nature (with the aim of collecting, analyzing and interpreting empirical data)
A Master thesis is ...
- empirical in nature only
Bachelor and Master students take part in a seminar. In the seminar, they present the progress of the thesis. They receive a feedback that helps them improve the quality of their thesis. Furthermore, the supervisors of the thesis will respond to questions that occur while working on the thesis. Students should register for the seminar (entitled "Theories and Empirical Procedures in Sport and Health Management;" including registration for the credits to be received [Prüfung], if desired) and can receive 3 ECTS for successful participation.
Application for available topics
If you are interested in one of the topics that are provided by the Department of Sport and Health Management, please send your application (letter of motivation, Curriculum Vitae, certificates, transcript of records) via email to Prof. Dr. Jörg Königstorfer.
To ensure that students have enough time to work on their thesis and to monitor the goals of the thesis, students are asked to develop a proposal and a table of content. After having received a feedback on the draft, the student will be formally accepted. These documents show that students develop research questions from the literature. They also show what design and methods the students use to answer the research questions.
Apply with an own topic (only empirical in nature; with or without a company)
Students can make a proposal given that the following prerequisites are met:
- Scientific relevance of the topic; an academic void in literature is the starting point for your proposal
- Formulation of either research questions and hypotheses that can be addressed empirically
- Development of the research design (methodological approach) and proposal of a time schedule for the empirical study
If these prerequisites are met, please send us your application as well as the proposal (750-1000 words long). The proposal includes an explanation of how the research questions are derived (including citing relevant literature), the formulation of hypotheses, and a description of the empirical approach. If you write your thesis in cooperation with a company, you should provide us with a personal or written confirmation by the company. It is addressed to Prof. Dr. Jörg Königstorfer and states the company supports your thesis in all respects.
If we have received your application, you will be notified about the outcome. If it is positive, there will be a personal conversation with your advisor, the company (if applicable) and you. Please note that it is common practice to resume the results in a final presentation. You should be willing to prepare and hold such a presentation.
The thesis should answer a scientifically and practically relevant research question in the field of sport and health management. When writing the thesis, students should take into account the recommendations that have been developed for writing scientific journal articles, such as given by Werner J. Reinartz (Journal of Marketing, 2016). The invited paper can be seen here.
Please consider the guidelines of your exam regulations of the respective bachelor or master program. The style of references should conform to the APA guidelines (e.g., see the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition) or online tutoria like the Purdue Online Writing Lab), other guidelines are provided by the exam regulations of your bachelor or master program. Bachelor theses can be written in German or English; Master theses should be written in English (prefered language). The data collection among German participants is usually be done in German. We recommend you to attend the basic and advanced library course, because we expect you to know how to search for literature and how to deal with references (including the use of citation software).
The thesis must not be longer than 10,000 words, starting with the introduction and ending with the conclusions. (The content before the introduction and starting with the references does not count.) All thesis have two well-formulated abstracts: one in English language and one in German language (between 150 and 250 words long). Please refer to the guidelines that have been developed for scientific journal papers when writing your abstract. A well-formulated abstract is very important!
Registering and handing in the thesis
The registration and submission of the thesis are handeled by the examination regulation office. You should hand in the following documents via email to Chair of Sport and Health Management:
- Electronic version of your thesis (MS Word and pdf)
- Electronic version of your final presentation (MS PowerPoint and PDF)
- Raw data of the empirical investigation (stimuli and data record)
When handing in your thesis, you have to testify that you wrote the thesis on your own and without help from others; all sources that you used are cited in the thesis. We will check whether you cited the literature properly.