Our vision
What makes individuals adopt a healthy lifestyle and buy sport products and services that help them reach their goals? We provide answers to this question and identify win-win-situations in which economic success and health benefits complement each other.
We follow our vision in research, teaching and consulting. In particular, we pursue the following aims:
- As regards research, we collect and analyze empirical data with practical relevance for provider of sports and health products and services. An international network of collaborators guarantees highest quality and a variety of approaches and methods. We publish the results in leading international scientific journals
- As regards teaching, we enable students to gain both state of the art, theoretical, and methodological knowledge. This knowledge is essential for managers on sport and health markets. We teach students to solve problems, to interpret entreneural information, and to think critically and in a sustainable way. Students of the TUM School of Medicine and Health as well as students of TUM School of Management attend our courses
- As regards consulting, we understand ourselves as university partner of companies. We collect high-quality data and derive individual recommandations that are innovative, individually designed and sustainable. For example, we advise sport clubs, federations and sponsors. We also consult medical doctors and networks, health insurances and hospitals.
Prof. Dr. Jörg Königstorfer
Email: joerg.koenigstorfer(at)
Office: Gülay Retzep Oglou
Email: info.mgt(at)