Welcome to the Chair of Performance Analysis and Sports Informatics
The Chair research and teach in the fields of training, competition and sports performance. Our main subjects are the structure of performance in game (team) sports, mathematical modelling of sport related phenomena and the development of tools and methods from information technology to support competitive sports.
Our range of subjects covers:
We cooperate with top level teams and athletes, clubs and federations, technology and media companies as well as providers and users of sports data.
As part of the annual application process for research projects of the Federal Institute of Sport Science, Dr Daniel Link, private lecturer at the Chair of Performance Analysis and Sports Informatics, was successful with funding applications to support the German Olympic teams in beach volleyball and badminton. The two…
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On November 8th and 9th, four members of the chair visited the Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu (Faculty of Physical Education and Sport) of the Univerzity Karlovy (Charles University) in Prague. The goal was to discuss future collaborations during a bilateral workshop, which was funded by the Bavarian-Czech Academic…
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After being postponed for one year, the fifteenth World Congress on Science and Soccer was held at the University of Coimbra from June 15th to 17th. PD Dr. Daniel Link and Dr. Otto Kolbinger successfully represented our team with talks about two cutting edge research projects of the chair.
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From April 14 to May 11, the Doctoral student Patrick Blauberger accompanied the preparation training camp of the German national sprint team in Clermont, Florida, to support the coaches and athletes in the scientific analysis of running parameters.
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The title of his presentation was "Penalty kicks in elite football: identifying factors related to the player strategy"
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Im deutschen Fußball wird oftmals über die Entscheidungen des Video-Schiedsrichters diskutiert. Seit der Saison 2017/18 können in der Bundesliga strittige Szenen überprüft und eventuell revidiert werden. Auch in der englischen Premier League kommt der „Video Assistant Referee“ (VAR) seit der Saison 2019/20 zum Einsatz.…
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On November 17th, Max Legath was invited to our seminar “Speical Topics in Elite Level Sports” to share insights into the scouting procedures and the tracking of the relative age effect at the FC Bayern Campus.
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Das Format „Sportplatz“ von Deutschlands größter Sport-Podcast-Plattform meinsportpodcast.de berichtet über aktuelle Themen in der Welt des Sports. Dazu gehört nach wie vor die Weiterentwicklung von Regelwerken, weshalb Dr. Otto Kolbinger eingeladen wurde, um über seine Forschung in diesem Bereich zu berichten.
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Die Tenniswelt steht nahezu still, trotzdem – oder vielleicht deswegen – brechen einige Diskussionen nicht ab, speziell was die Weiterentwicklung von Regelwerken angeht. Der renommierte Tennispodcast Chip und Charge nutzte die Tennispause deshalb für ein Experteninterview mit Dr. Otto Kolbinger.
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