Dr. Iris Perey

Professional career
Dr. Iris Perey completed her bachelor’s degree in Psychology (B.Sc.) as well as her master’s degree in Health and Social Psychology (M.Sc.) at Maastricht University in the Netherlands. During her studies, she spent one semester at the University of Surabaya in Indonesia. Dr. Iris Perey is an active runner and hiker and is passionate about yoga. From October 2018 on until December 2022, Dr. Iris Perey has been a PhD student at the Chair of Sport and Health Management. During her doctoral studies, Dr. Iris Perey has spent several months at the University of Bufallo. In May 2022, Dr. Iris Perey successfully completed her doctorate, with the thesis entitled "Beware when you compare: The role of social comparison for human health."
Research interests
In her research, Dr. Iris Perey focuses on social comparisons; cognitive processes that individuals engage in in order to evaluate their own standing in a certain domain (e.g., abilities, attitudes, values) in relation to others. More specifically, Dr. Iris Perey is interested in the effects of social comparisons on physical health outcomes, such as physical activity, as well as mental health outcomes, such as eating- and body-related attitudes, cognitions, and behaviors. Further research interests include embodied approaches (e.g., yoga) to promote physical and mental health.
Publications in peer-reviewed journals
Publications in conference proceedings
Perey, Iris and Joerg Koenigstorfer (2021): “You're Like Me, but Much More Active”: Similarity Perception Moderates Social Comparison Effects on Physical Activity Intentions, in: Proceedings of the 29th European Sport Management Virtual Conference.