HLO aims to contribute to the development of health literate health care organizations (HLO) in Germany. The main research interest is on how the implementation of HLO can be supported within the German health care system. Internationally, various concepts, tools, materials and instruments are already available in relation to organizational health literacy of health care organizations. However, they have not yet been adapted to the German health care system and its organizations.
The aim of the project is therefore to
- to collect and review existing concepts, approaches and best practice examples
- to investigate which factors and conditions are necessary for the succesful implementation of HLO
In a first step, a multi-stage literature and material research (scoping review) will be conducted. Based on the findings of the review, workshops will be organized with experts, professionals and managers from primary care and ambulatory care organizations. The workshops will focus on examining the transferability of the results to the German healthcare system and its organizations. A final report will be developed and used by the project partner to develop an online-based tool kit to srengthen organizational health literacy.
Detailed information about HLO can be accessed on the project website.