Initiated by Felix and Christian Neureuther, the environmental protection project “Naturhelden” was launched in 2024 under the motto “Avoid waste. Save raw materials.”. The initiative aims to raise awareness among children and adolescents about the importance of environmental protection, highlighting the connection between a clean planet and their own health at an early age. Naturhelden targets schoolchildren in grades 3 and 4 of primary and special schools and will be implemented in 500 schools across Germany. The project runs from September 2024 to July 2026.
As part of the Nature Heroes project, children learn to
- reflect on their behavior and their environment (empowerment)
- recognize the connections between a clean environment and their own health (awareness)
- avoid and recycle waste (empowerment),
- and to play an active role in shaping a future worth living (participation).
This is delivered through information and practical content such as outdoor events, experiments, and action days, as well as through the interlinking of different areas of life.
The Naturhelden project is supported by the “Stiftung RTL - Wir helfen Kindern e. V.” foundation and implemented by planero GmbH. Naturhelden is part of “Gesunde Erde. Gesunde Kinder.” – the first alliance in Germany dedicated to the connections between children's health, climate change, and environmental protection. Further information can be found on the project website.
The Assistant Professorship of Health Literacy at the Technical University of Munich provides scientific support for the Naturhelden project and evaluates its impact. This will ensure that the project objectives are achieved and that the long-term effects of the project are effectively recorded.
As part of the evaluation, the participating schoolchildren (primary target group), along with their teachers and parents (secondary target groups), are asked to complete a questionnaire at two points in time. Among other things, this questionnaire collects data on socio-demographic factors, environmental behavior related to the project goals of waste reduction and resource recycling, as well as planetary health literacy.
Project lead and contact
Prof. Dr. Orkan Okan (project lead)