Teaching prize of the Department of Sport and Health Sciences
A faculty-internal teaching prize was awarded for the first time on Faculty Day 2013 for outstanding performance in teaching as well as for special commitment. The prize was awarded in the categories of "best lecturer in lectures" and "best lecturer in seminars".
In the future, the teaching prize will be awarded every year. The selection procedure takes place as follows: An advanced selection is made by quality management based on the evaluation results of a full academic year (WS and SS). The decision is then carried out by an extra commission convened especially for this purpose. This is made up of the deans of the faculties, three student representatives and the quality-management.
The prize is awarded on "Faculty Day". Crucial for the preliminary selection is a comparison of the median values in the categories of conception & structuring, communication of contents, lecturing & educational climate, as well as an overall assessment of the evaluation results. The commission takes such criteria into account as, for instance, special commitment, innovative teaching-concepts, attainability and the performance of administrative tasks.
For the outstanding quality of their lectures at Deparment of Sport and Health Sciences were distinguished unil now:
Awardees 2015
Heidi Weberruß
Thomas Bruner
Awardees 2014
Dr. Peter Spitzenpfeil
Eva-Maria Schmitt
Awardees 2013
Dr. Thorsten Schulz
Otto Huber
Awardees 2012
Apl. Prof. Dr. Michael Schaffrath
Prof. Dr. Daniel Hahn