An essential task of the Graduate Center of the Department Health and Sport Sciences is the organization and implementation of the subject-specific qualification program. At the Department Health and Sport Sciences, this program comprises the following four elements: colloquium for doctoral candidates, Winter Academy, seminars, and theory-practice exchange. Every doctoral candidate can be credited by the Graduate Center for every offered course.
Doctoral Colloquium
Zoom: Meeting-ID: 955 8718 9172 | Password: 024749
December 3, 2024 | 16:00 - 18:00
- Theres Mühlberg: The Inside from Education Outside the classroom
- Nina Schaller: bestform. Exercise has no age limit - Feasibility and efficacy of a multimodal, machine-based exercise program for older and oldest-old people living in senior care facilities
December 17, 2024 | 16:00 - 18:00 ONLY IN GERMAN
- Marie Coors: Gesundheitsökonomische Evaluation komplexer Interventionen basierend auf Routinedaten
- Amelie Flothow: Identifikation von Versorgungspfaden und -mustern in Abrechnungsdaten
Poster Session
December 5, 2024 | 4 – 5:30 pm | Campus in the Olympiapark | HS4
This year, too, we want to continue the tradition that the doctoral candidates of the Department Health and Sport Sciences present themselves and their project at a Poster Session.
The idea is that the poster showcases the current status of doctoral projects. You can present your study design, a poster from a conference you attended to or just the background of your thesis. Present a poster that you have already presented or prepare an up-to-date poster. The best poster will receive a poster prize, which will be awarded during the Academic Annual Celebration after the Poster Session.
Presenting your poster is worth 3 Credit Points, attending the poster session is worth 1 CP towards subject related qualification.
Registration is not required, unless you would like to present a poster.
Doctoral Colloquium
Zoom: Meeting-ID: 955 8718 9172 | Password: 024749
January 7, 2025 | 16:00 - 18:00
- Dominic Rasp: Optimization, Validation and Implementation of the 90:20 Isometric Posterior Chain Test with a Focus on the Biomechanics of Hamstring Strain Injury in Soccer
- Lisa Reigl: Exploring Socio-Cultural Barriers and Health Literacy in Schistosomiasis Prevention: Research on Parental Knowledge and Access to information in Uganda and Zanzibar
January 14, 2025 | 16:00 - 18:00
- Michael Weiß: Factors related to the successful implementation of a multimodal exercise program in older senior care residents
- Veronika Schmid: Sarcopenia in older patients with heart failure – the role of exercise
January 21, 2025 | 16:00 - 18:00
- Steffen Lang: Analyzing spatiotemporal data in soccer using machine learning approaches
- Anna Gabriel: Non-local intervention effects along the posterior chain
January 28, 2025 | 16:00 - 18:00
- Stefanie Eck: Effectiveness of an online asthma education program in general practice settings
- Klaus Haggenmüller: Health-related fitness in adolescents and young adults. Diagnostic of cardiovascular, pulmonary, and motor performance parameters
Doctoral Colloquium
Meeting-ID: 955 8718 9172 | Password: 024749
February 4, 2025 | 16:00 - 18:00 | GERMAN ONLY
- Philip Bammert: Performanz von organisierten Ärztenetzen im ambulanten Sektor in Deutschland
- Tobias Bock: Routinedatenbasierte Qualitätsindikatoren für die ambulante Versorgung von Cox- und Gonarthrose
Sunday, 16.03.2024 - Thursday, 20.03.2024
Hirschegg, Austria
The Behavioral and Social Sciences Program of the TUM Graduate Center of Medicine and Health will host the annual Winterschool for doctoral candidates in sport and health sciences. An invited expert and professors from the Department Health and Sport Sciences will tutor presentations and a workshop. They will be available the whole time for in-depth consultation and informal conversation. The Winterschool offers two formats for active participation: In the project presentation, participants share project ideas and projects in their early stages. The Winterschool is a safe environment for discussion, giving, and receiving feedback on doctorate projects. Alternatively, participants may submit (parts of) a paper or proposal to a peer review. Under the supervision of a tutor, participants will engage in a sample review process and provide feedback. After the Winterschool, we will offer a more hands-on workshop.
You can collect 25 credits for subject-related qualification for participation in the winterschool PLUS 10 credits for the participation in the workshop.
See the invitation for more detailed information.