Decentralisation in Middle Franconia
Short Description:
- Academic process evaluation of four pilot projects on the decentralisation of services for persons with disabilities in the Middle Franconia district
- Establishment of local research competence in the model regions through training of co-researchers
- Development of an outpatient service development index as an orientation and benchmark for good outpatient service provision in the context of integration assistance
Project Manager: Prof. Elisabeth Wacker
Project Collaborators: Yvonne Wechuli, M.A. and Anke Petters, M.A.
Duration: 2015 - 2018
Funding: Bezirk Mittelfranken [Middle Franconia District]
Index for participation development and quality of life of persons with disabilities” (TeLe-Index) pilot project
Short Description:
- Evaluation and steering of the transformation processes in a residential facility of the “Eingliederungshilfe” [integration support] (Franziskuswerk Schönbrunn) – Vision 2030
Project Manager: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Wacker
Project Collaborators: M.A. Sarah Reker, M.A./Dipl. Volksw. Christiane Kellner
Duration: 2014-2017
Funding: Bavarian State Ministry for Labour, Social Affairs, Family and Integration/Upper Bavaria District [Bayerisches Staatsministerium Soziales/Bezirk Oberbayern], Franziskuswerk Schönbrunn
Subject-oriented “CBResearch” partnership
Short Description:
- Development of an international curriculum linked to the WHO strategy of Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR)
- Development of research competence in the fields of CBR / inclusion and health in Kenya and Germany.
- Beside the dis/ability dimension of diversity, CBR also takes the community/socio-spatial approach into consideration, hence also further aspects of heterogeneity (gender, cultural background, religious orientation, educational background, etc.)
Project Manager: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Wacker
Project Collaborator: Dipl. Reha. Päd. Kathrin Schmidt
Duration: 2013-2016
Funding: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) & Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Football as an Inclusion Factor in Germany: “The UNCRPD as Mirrored by the Deutscher Fussball-Bund”
Short Description:
In cooperation with the Deutscher Fussball-Bund [DFB: German Football Association], “The UNCRPD as Mirrored by the Deutscher Fussball-Bund” – a model project on football as an inclusion factor in Germany – will develop an analytical grid based upon the stipulations of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in order to evaluate the potentials and the prerequisites of football from an inclusion perspective. At the same time it will also survey the current status of inclusion-oriented activities already pursued by the DFB.
Project Manager: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Wacker
Project Collaborators: Stefan Schmidt, Dominik Baldin
Duration: 2014-2015
Funding: German Football Association (DFB)
BMASurvey - Pretest Survey in Institutions for Persons with Disabilities
Short description:
In the context of a study commissioned by the Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales [Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs], the Sociology of Diversity Chair , together with the Hochschule Fuldatypo3/#_msocom_3 und TNS Infratest will be testing a survey tool to interview persons with disabilities in residential settings (as part of a participation poll). The aim pursued is to develop and test an instrument that can be universally implemented, i.e. that can be applied to varied groups of people (according to their competences). In future, this tool should allow for representative surveys on the life conditions of persons with disabilities in the Federal Republic.
The survey tool will be tested from a variety of perspectives through a participative process as well as in exemplary case-studies. It will be designed so as to also involve so-called “hard-to-survey” groups in the participation poll. The study will involve enrolling evidence-based knowledge on questionnaire design, systematically searching for improvement potential in the survey instrument itself as well as professionally training interviewers.
Project Manager: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Wacker
Duration: 2015-2016
Social impact assessment
Short description:
- The Sociology of Diversity Chair at the Department of Sport and Health Sciences and Pwani University (Kenya) are developing a common research method in the context of an explorative study funded by the Christoffel Blindenmission. This method should map and, where applicable, quantify the social added value generated by livelihood programmes for persons with disabilities. In this context, the key investigation revolves around how former participants currently earn their livings and what broader benefits this target group as well as other stakeholders have experienced in the wake of these programmes. The final aim of the venture is to then field test the participative and inclusive surveying instrument designed during the first phase of the project together with local cooperation partners in Kenya, before enrolling the tool in long-term project-planning and monitoring.
Project Manager: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Wacker
Project Collaborator: Yvonne Kuhnke, M.A.
Duration: 2014-2015
Funding: Christoffel Blindenmission
Applied Research on the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Systems of Social Protection
Short description:
Research on the inclusion of persons with disabilities in systems of social protection in the Global South. Case studies in Tanzania and Peru.
Cooperation between:
- London School for Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (project management), UK
- SODIS (Sociedad y Discapacidad), Peru
- CRONICAS (Centro de Excelencia en Enfermedades Crónicas: Centre of Excellence for Chronic Diseases at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia), Peru
- REPOA (Policy Research for Development), Tanzania
- CCBRT (Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation in Tanzania), Tanzania
- Technical University of Munich, Deutschland
Project Manager: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Wacker
Project Collaborator: Dipl. Reha. Päd. Kathrin Schmidt
Duration: 2014-2015
Funding: Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (giz) & Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit (BMZ)
Social Report 2014 “Conditions of Life of Persons with Impairments and Disabilities” in the City of Duisburg, “Participation Check” pilot project
Short Description:
- With the “Participation Check” (Pro-TeC-Duisburg) project, the Sociology of Diversity Chair at the Technical University of Munich and the City of Duisburg will be designing and testing a new form of social reporting that meets the requirements of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) as well as the WHO’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). In parallel, the project team will assess if the taxonomy used in the Federal Participation Report can be transferred to the municipal level.
Project Manager: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Wacker
Project Collaborators: Dipl. Reha. Päd. Stefanie Frings, M.A. Jennifer Eckhardt
Duration: 2014-2015
Funding: Duisburg City
"Dortmund – Socially Innovative City in Participation" (Do-iT) cooperation project
Short Description:
- With the "Dortmund – Socially Innovative City in Participation" (Do-iT) project, the Sociology of Diversity Chair at the Technical University of Munich and the City of Dortmund will be designing and testing a new form of social reporting that meets the requirements of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) as well as the WHO’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). In parallel, the project team will assess if the taxonomy used in the Federal Participation Report can be transferred to the municipal level.
Project Manager: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Wacker
Project Collaborators: Dipl. Reha. Päd. Stefanie Frings, M.A. Jennifer Eckhardt
Duration: 2014-2015
Funding: Dortmund City
„Football for all! Chance for diversity – change with diversity”
Short description:
- Fostering and claiming diversity through football – a practical project based on the example of girls' football in Kilifi (girl emPOWERment)
Project manager: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Wacker
Project collaborators: Dipl. Reha. Päd. Stefanie Frings, M.A. Stefan Schmidt
Duration: 2013-2014
Funding: German Football Association [Deutscher Fußball-Bund] (DFB)