It was overwhelming, 418 persons from all over the world participated at the Munich Endurance Symposium on 24th of November. They listened to interesting talks of Stephen Seiler, Veronique Billat, Henning Wackerhage and Sebastian Weber.
Steven Seiler started the symposium by discussing the physiology of intermittent endurance events such as Nordic skiing or road cycling, where high intensity periods alternate with lower intensity periods. After that, Veronique Billat presented current research on the physiology of recreational Marathon runners. Henning Wackerhage highlighted the contributions of Alois Mader, Hermann Heck and Wildor Hollmann to modern lactate testing and metabolic regulation. A direct insight of the Cologne sports medicine group is that the vLa.max, or maximal glycolytic rate, affects the lactate-exercise relationship. The symposium was closed with the talk of Sebastian Weber. He discussed the utility of the vLa.max for performance testing of endurance athletes.
Finally, almost 50 percent of the registered persons participated live at the symposium. All other persons who missed the date, can now watch the recorded stream on youtube.
Munich Endurance Symposium - 418 participants online
Sport- und Gesundheitswissenschaften, W00BBR-newscat-exercisebiology |