Welcome to the Associate Professorship of Didactics in Sport and Health!
We conduct intervention research in the fields of health and education. By designing living (environments) and using competence-oriented approaches, we enable people to lead active, healthy and sustainable lifestyles. In this way, we want to make a relevant contribution to a sustainable society.
In the context of our project "SINN-i: Active City Innovation", Lisa Herrmann, Franziska Sippel–two interns at our chair–and Christoph Mall visited…
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In the framework of the PACTE+ project, Christoph Mall and several project partners met for a kick-off meeting on 7 + 8 June 2022 in Brussels.
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A recent dialogue in the field of play, learn, and teach outdoors demonstrated the need for developing consensus-based terminology, taxonomy, and…
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University students represent a population that faces high risks regarding physical inactivity. Research suggests that a regular engagement in…
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Nursing literature predominantly focuses on job demands but is scarce for resources related to nurses’ work. In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic,…
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Until now, research on the determinants of health-promoting physical activity has mainly been conducted within a variable-oriented approach. That is,…
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Für eine nachhaltige und klimafreundliche Entwicklung braucht es wegweisende politische Entscheidungen, es braucht technologische Innovationen – und…
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Bereits seit dem Jahr 2017 besteht zwischen der Professur für Sport- und Gesundheitsdidaktik und dem Bayerischen Handball-Verband (BHV) eine enge…
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On 12 and 13 October 2021, the working group of the Chair of Sports and Health Didactics held its annual closed meeting in the Academy Centre of the…
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